

Hourly Rate:

FromUp ToCost Per Hour
1 8 $150
9 19 $135
20 39 $125
 40 79 $100
80 hours or more Call For Pricing    


Text Messaging Monthly Rate Chart:

Rate PlanTexts Per MonthCostCost Per MMS*Cost Per OverageRollover
Bronze 1,000 $50 5 cents ea. $20 per 500 texts No
Silver 3,000 $75 3 cents ea. $15 per 500 texts No
Gold 5,000 $100 2 cents ea. $10 per 500 texts For 6 Months
Platinum 5,000+ Call For Pricing   


Website Hosting/Domain Name Registration/Secure Site Certificates

TypeMonthly ChargeIncludes
Basic Website $10 1 Website, 3 FTP Accounts, 3 Email Accounts
PHP Site with MySql (Ex. WordPress) $20 1 Website, 1 MySql Database, 3 FTP Accounts, 3 Email Accounts
.Net Shopping Cart Site $25 1 Website, 1 Sql Server Database, 1 Static IP, 3 FTP Accounts, 3 Email Accounts
 Static IP $4.95  
Domain Name Registration Starting at $12 a year and going down. Call For Pricing
Network Solutions Secure Site Certificate for Shopping Cart

Starting at $159 a year and going down.

Note: Free website installation ONLY for first time customers. Free installations for renewal of certificates ONLY if ordered for more than 1 year. Otherwise, $100 installation fee.

Call For Pricing   

Network Solutions Secure Site Certificate (NON SHOPPING CART SITES)

Starting at $69 a year and going down.

Note: Free website installation ONLY for first time customers. Free installations for renewal of certificates ONLY if ordered for more than 1 year. Otherwise, $100 installation fee.

Call For Pricing  

We charge reasonable hourly rates with bulk discounts or we can quote you a price. See our rates on our Pricing Page or call us at (561) 852-6508 or Contact Us.

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Custom Apps 360, LLC - Hourly Rates

Our hourly rates start at $150 an hour and go down from there. We prefer projects as apposed to a few hours which usually works out better for both parties.
From $100.00