
Custom Text Messaging Solutions

Hourly Rate:

FromUp ToCost Per Hour
1 8 $100
9 19 $85
20 39 $65
 40 79 $50
80 hours or more Call For Pricing    

Although we offer our services by the hour, we prefer to establish long term relationships.  As our current client base can attest, we never "handcuff" anyone to our custom programs. We prefer to have all source code on your servers along with documentation on how to modify it.  Of course we would love for you to call us first for modifications, new features, and future projects but, we want you to use us in the future because you want to and not because you have to.  Plus, we will never leave you "high and dry" in the event you prefer to use some other programming company for whatever reason.  We will assist in the transition.

Text Messaging Capabilities

Text Messaging Capabilities Communication by text message has exploded in the past few years. Custom Apps 360, LLC may be able to read directly from your scheduling database to generate custom text message alerts to your customers without you ever having to touch a cell phone.  Check out what we did for A1A Airport and Limousine Service see more ...

Check out our monthly text messagin rate plans see more ...


  • Appointment Reminders! – Driver Hoke Colburn will be picking you up at 11:45AM.
  • Picture of the driver picking you up.
  • Fully Automated – based on access to your reservation system or CRMS
  • Help Desk – no need for a cell phone to text to 100s of customers
  • Broadcast
  • NEW: IVR Capabilities: custom voice messages to land lines.


  • Additional Services for Your Customers
  • Faster form of communication
  • More reliable form of communication
  • More accepted form of communication
  • Another means of communication – other than email, web, and phone.
  • More Professional Looking
  • Better Quality Services – “What? I’m supposed to be picked up tomorrow!?”
  • Customer Retention – surveys

See our rates on our Pricing Page or call us at (561) 852-6508 or Contact Us

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Text Messaging Rate Plans

We may be able to fully automate sending out text messaging notifications depending upon access to your scheduling database or customer relationship management system. Rates work out to a fraction of a cent per text and a few cents for each picture text.
Call for pricing